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Cold, draughty rooms are miserable to sit in. Even when you close the door, the draught seems to funnel its way through the gap at the bottom with an unpleasant cold that will cut your feet off at the ankles! We take a look at the Best Draught Excluders for Internal Doors that will stop any cold draught from entering the room.

There are a number of advantages to installing internal door draught excluders. Not only do they stop draughs but they can also drastically reduce noise from hallways and landings and here is the best bit, they can also deter spiders from entering the room too!

Why are Draught Excluders Different for Internal Doors?

Generally, external door draught excluders are fitted to only one side of the door. This is because there is a weather strip fitted to the outside of the door which helps the rain runoff, away from the door. There is also a small step that prevents groundwater from entering the house.

How to Seal the Bottom of an Internal Door

Internal door draught excludes are readily available online and are very easy to fit. They usually consist of a foam tube covered with material, that simply slides onto the underneath of the door.

There are Brush draught excluders that are very effective at stopping draughs on floors that are uneven. For example, tiled or concrete floors. This is because the brushes can take up and undulations that the floor might have.

Adjustable Draught Excluders for Internal Doors

Of course, not every door is the same size and the gap under the door will certainly vary. Most draught excluders can be adjusted to fit any door and soak up the majority of gaps under the door too. Adjustable draught excluders usually consist of a length of foam and covering material that can be cut to the desired length and fitted to the door.

Many adjustable draught excluders use velcro to fix the desired length of material so there is no sewing or glueing involved.

How to Fill Gaps Around a Door Frame

Draughts do not always find their way under the door. The edges can let draughts through too, especially on badly fitted or old doors. If this is the case for you, then consider using draught excluder tape.

The tape has a self-adhesive backing that can be placed around the doorstop effectively creating a near airtight seal around the door.

TIP: When fitting draught excluder tape, clean the door jam with white spirit. This will ensure there is no oily dust on the door jam and the tape will stick much better!

If the door is badly fitted or just warped a little, consider using a sticky-backed brush draught excluder. The brushes will allow for more irregular gaps around the door jam. These kinds of draught excluders are also very effective on sliding internal doors.

The Best Draught Excluder for Internal Doors

There are four main types of self-adhesive draught excluders. As no two doors are the same and all doors are hung differently, use this guide to select the correct draught excluder that best suits your situation.

  • Foam – Budget draught excluder for small gaps.
  • D Profile Rubber – For large heavy doors with large gaps.
  • Self Adhesive Brush – For badly fitting, old doors with large gaps and sliding doors.
  • Silcone Draught Excluder – Clear silicon draught excluder allows for asthecially pleasing situations.

Draught Excluder for Garage Doors

Internal doors to garages can be a real nuisance when it comes to cold draughts. Fortunately, there are a number of products that can drastically reduce cold air finding its way into your home.

There is often a step built into the door frame on internal garage doors. This is to stop the possibility of flooding as a garage is classed as outside space.

Using a heavy-duty brush draught excluder can really help keep the cold air out and cope with the difference in floor heights on either side of the internal garage door.

As an added measure, use a heavy-duty weather seal strip on the main external garage door. This will reduce the amount of cold air entering the garage. The weatherstrips can also reduce the chance of water ingress if the garage suffers from rainwater coming in on particularly windy wet days.

      The Heat Chief