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Tabletop Fires for RVs

In-ground campfires are becoming less popular and have even been banned in some areas due to the mess they leave as well as the irreparable harm they do to the fire pit area. Open fires and fire pits are all part of the RV experience and there are plenty of portable, pop up fire pit units, that allow you to burn wood without disturbing the ground. There is, however, a great alternative to portable camping fire pits. Bioethanol Tabletop Fires are becoming increasingly popular among campers and the RV community. In this article, we look at why bioethanol fires are the Best Tabletop Fires for RVs.

What are Bioethanol Fires?

Bioethanol fires come in various different designs and consist of a stainless steel receptacle which holds the bioethanol fuel. When lit, the fuel burns with an orange flame and produces heat, until all the fuel has been burnt and the receptacle is empty. The heat output can sometimes be controlled by a sliding cover on the burner. You can even build your own design using the many bioethanol burner inserts available.

Why are they the Best Tabletop Fires for RVs and camping?

The fires are small and can easily be stowed in a cupboard or under a seating unit. The fuel comes in a quart bottle and is easy to store too. There are a few great advantages to using bioethanol fires.

  • Can be used on any stable surface.
  • The fires produce heat quickly.
  • The Biofuel comes in litre bottles so no large propane canisters to store.
  • There is no ash to clear up after burning.
  • No damage to campgrounds.
  • No soot or carbon monoxide is produced during burning.
  • The flames produce a relaxing ambience.
  • Creates a warm zone around the table where everyone benefits from the heat.
  • The fires can be used inside and outside
  • They can even be used in the home when the RV is laid up for the winter.
  • No damage to the environment.

Do Bioethanol Tabletop Fires produce Heat?

Bioethanol tabletop fires produce heat energy of anywhere between 1 kW (3500 Btu) and 3 kW (10200 Btu) of heat depending on the model. This is easily enough heat to raise the temperature of an Rv or Camper by at least an extra 45°F.

How do Bioethanol Fires work?

Depending on the model, the fuel receptacle can hold anywhere between 3.4 oz (100 ml) and 10.2 oz (300ml) of bioethanol fuel. Fill the receptacle with fuel and light with a lighter or match. The fuel will gently ignite, there is no big puff as there might be when lighting gas.

The flame starts off blue and then after 30 seconds glows a soft orange-yellow flame and starts producing heat.

To extinguish the flame, simply use the sliding closer or a metal snuffer (supplied). It’s just like putting a candle out!

How much do Tabletop Fires for RVs cost to run?

The fires use approximately 100ml (3.4 oz) of fuel per hour and can cost as little .55 cents per hour to run. Purchasing bioethanol fuel in bulk can be a real saver, for example, you could pay $5.50 for a quart if buying fuel in a carton of 24 bottles. However, if buying single bottles it could cost as much as $14 / quart!

Will Tabletop fires stink out an RV?

Bioethanol fires produce a small amount of CO² equivalent to that of 1 person’s natural breathing. They also produce a negligible amount of water vapor. Bioethanol fuel is produced from the fermentation of sugars which come from vegetable crops. This means there is a very low and pleasant sweet smell emitted when the fire burns.

There are also a number of relaxing fragrant oils available, which might keep the bugs away and some that even smell like campfires!

Are Bioethanol Fires Dangerous?

All fires are dangerous if not used responsibly. Follow a few simple rules and you can have years of relaxing heat from your fire with no drama.

  • Never use or fill a bioethanol fire while the RV is moving.
  • Always place the fire on a stable surface.
  • Wipe up any fuel spillage
  • Never refill the receptacle while the fire is burning. Always wait until the fuel has completely disappeared (burnt off) before refuelling.
  • Never refuel when there is a flame present.
  • Always carry a fire extinguisher.

RV Tabletop Fire Pits

If bioethanol fires are not for you, there are some great propane-powered gas fire pits which are great for RVs and camping with heat outputs of 58,000 Btus and above.

      The Heat Chief